Monday, July 7, 2008

Another day at the Tattoo shop

Well it has been awhile since the last update but there is a couple reasons no time, no money, heh. We spent a lot of time on the dragon and the Samurai this time left me with a sore arm but they are looking cool!!! The dragon got some more color, gold in the spine and glowing green eyes, The Samurai got the beginning of some incredible color Rob spent some time free handing the last leg and foot of the dragon and a little fine line around the Kappa. Once we get that all licked up then it is on to the Geisha and the other stuff (shhhh Sarah doesn't know about the other stuff)

Time for today 6.0 hrs
Total time for 23.5 hrs

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Enter the Kappa

Kappa a spooky creature for Japanese legend. They love blood and left over battle ooze they also love human women and are very strangely polite. The Water on there head gives them strength, They way to beat them is to get them to bow which tips out the water!!

The Kappa and shading around it took around 4 hours. We also did some work around the dragon adding some flames and another round of blue to give the dragon a three "d" look .

If any one is wondering Yes it #%*&ing hurt!!!!! but it is all worth it the detail and amazing art work is fair pay back

Total time today was around 6 hours with all the free hand painting.

Total time for the whole piece is 17.5 hours.

Next update is Feb 16 2008

Monday, December 3, 2007

Back at the tattoo shop for another round

Well we started Coloring in the dragon today, We decided on blue with either gold or purple fin and a red belly( we don't want to copy Sarah's Dragon on her leg)All the shading will be black and grey the total time on the piece today was 5.5 hours and I was pretty much done.I have tryed to post pictures but it wont work I will have to contact the repair man (ahum Uncle Rick)
The total time so far for the whole piece is 13.5 hours

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Another day at the tattoo shop

OK now we are getting somewhere...a 5 hour sitting and walla; a Samurai! As Zach says he looks grouchy!!!! At one point I stopped Rob (the tattooist) and asked him if he had switched to a grinder cause man o man it didn't feel very nice. Just imagine someone rubbing 50 grit sandpaper on the inside of your arm for 2 hours and rubbing a grinder on the other parts for the other 3 hours..... VERY nice!!!!! I am trying to post some more pics, but enough whining, check out the detail on the Samurai. He even has tattoos!! But this armor is amazing!!! I think the next round will be to start the colour, then comes the girls!!!

Total time on this piece 11 hours

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The start

Well here goes it just the start fairly primitive so far but not bad for mostly freehand